Racing at NSYC.


Since 1871, the North Shore Yacht Club has offered pleasure in many forms:

Founded in 1871, the North Shore Yacht Club is one of the two oldest yacht clubs on Long Island Sound and celebrated its 150th commissioning in 2020. Since 1933, the Club has been located on the north shore of Manhasset Bay with a splendid view while protected from most heavy blows.

Originally the New York Canoe Club, it is among the foremost pioneers of yachting in America. Canoeing (with sails) was first on the Hudson and East Rivers and New York Bay, and an August 1872 the New York Times carried accounts of club racing in the Narrows, long before there was a Verrazano-Narrows bridge.

Today, the Club’s fleet of mostly sailboats ranges from one-designs to ocean going auxiliaries…of course plenty of state-of- the art kayaks too. Its diverse membership includes new sailors and experienced blue water racers and cruisers. During busy summer weekends two first class launches are operated, assuring prompt, reliable service to and from members’ boats. Active cruising, racing, social and education activities provided in and off-season contribute to an environment which generates lifelong friendships. Junior Sailing Camp,  Boat Share & Laser Sailing Program, round out the Club’s attractiveness for all ages.

Be sure to check out our Racing and Cruising pages, and not to miss our Galley, with delicious recipes – all pages that can be found in this section!